Monday, November 8, 2010

Unit 9 Assignment

1.  Did you find the CoSN website useful?

Yes.  The initiatives provide a wealth of information to reflect upon regarding technology leadership. 

2.  What information on the website was most useful to you?

After review, the initiative that I spent the most time on and made the most sense to me dealt with Enpowering the 21st Century Supt.  I watched the Jim Bosco video on the McArthur project on how to integrate WEb 2.0 tools into districts more effectively.  The article called "Why Superintendents Need a Vision for Technology" was good as well.  The article came from The School Administrator and talked about how many superintendents view the district's technology director as the main source of vision for the district in the technology arena.  While that is important, I can see the value of the superintendent leading the charge and helping to set the tone.  Obviously, as a superintendent the scope of the work you do becomes quite broad.  Balancing all the issues is challenging for school leaders whether at the building level or district level.  There is no question as a school district we have been progressive with technology, however, still have a ways to go. 

3.  How will information from this website help your technology committee? 

As with any information, it is what you do with it.  My recommendation would be to use something of value within the CoSN association website and bring to the table whatever it is that your district is looking at.  The initiatives have something for everyone.  There is value in the discussion and development of utilizing Web 2.0 tools to enhance the teaching and learning process.  There is so much information that you have to narrow your focus which in education can be difficult to do.  Districts can't spend money they don't have.  I continually find that to be one of the most significant challenges when discussing on technology and the future.  It changes so rapidly, it is a struggle if not impossible to keep up.

4.  What implications does this information have for technology planning in your school?

Staying progressive with technology is expensive.  A district needs to evaluate how they are spending their money and determine the most beneficial ways technology can impact achievement.  There is no question we can use many technology tools more effectively than what we currently do.  The Smartboard systems that staff use as interactive processes increase student engagement from my observations.  Using the systems as a glorified overhead isn't worth the cost which then becomes the issue of the building leader/district to find the training that is needed.  The professional development piece becomes a critical part of the disucssion because if staff are not trained adequately, the technology will not be used.  Along with a vision, the technology support is critical.  If all the components of the network are not operating efficiently, people will not waste their time with a classroom of 25 kids in front of them.  I would like to see more application with 2.0 tools especially as the students get older which will involve training- into upper elementary, middle and high school.   One thing I need to be more cognizant of are the challenges that our technology department faces.  They are stretched too thin. 

1 comment:

  1. 10/10 points
    The Empowering the 21st Century Superintendent is a great resource that outlines how superintendents can be more productive by using technology tools. Certainly, technology is an expensive proposition for schools. However, the cost of technology is worth it with increased student engagement, motivation, attendance, and test scores.
